Thursday, October 16, 2008

Things I Love Thursdays

Arcade games. – I like the fighting ones where everybody has special powers. Dan is ridiculously good at Streetfighter, but sometimes I get lucky.

Ginger Tea. – For the aroma and color as much as the taste.

Random stuff like this. –

Fast Food. – I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care if it’s bad for me. I still like it, and I can’t help it and I don’t really want to help it.

Snail mail. – Care packages and cards for no good reason. Most of my friends move an awful lot, though, and keeping my address book up to date is a challenge.

1 comment:

raining sheep said...

Well, I am with you on the ginger tea...especially when I get that head cold thing happening after being on a plane. Happy weekend.