Monday, March 9, 2009

So This Is Love...

I found it.  I found the thing that's going to make me whole again after a week of running around with my foot on the gas.  I have developed a Sunday afternoon ritual, and I call it: the bath.

Now, I'm a shower-type-person by nature.  But I think that's largely, and perhaps unfairly, due to the time factor.  About a month ago, I dug out the aromatherapy apothecary kit that I got for Christmas '07 and put it to good use.  Sea salt mixed with eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint leaves, a mandarin masque and blood orange sugar rub, milk soap, lemon-sage lotion and a mug of chamomile tea later, I was convinced that I would never be angry with anyone again.  I felt incapable of anger.

So this is my new love.  And it's a great, great love.  A true and perfect love.  I haven't missed a Sunday since then, and if you're not treating yourself to a sinfully long soak every once in a while, I say shame on you.  Heed your shampoo bottle and wash, rinse, repeat.


beckie said...

Oh, jealousy. My place right now doesn't have a tub, but I used to the bath wit the best of them. Tea? Blood orange sugar rub?? Total jealousy.

Nebraska Angie said...

this is why I LOVE to make soaps/lotions/bath salts, etc. I don't like baths, but I love smelling good!!!

Krista said...

beck: now all i need is a rockin' tea mug like one of yours ;)

and angie! hi! welcome, welcome. do you make that stuff from scratch?? i have been wanting to do that for a while! anyway, that's good to know - just in case i'm your secret santa next year :-)

raining sheep said...

Sigh! I have to shamefully admit that I must be a hyper type A pathetic person because as soon as I sit myself in a bathtub, I start getting anxious and fidget and can't handle just sitting in there! Good grief, can you imagine someone like me meditating...I would be peeking at the clock every second.

Krista said...

lol. i have to "turn my brain off" as well, raina. and yoga is about as close as i get to meditating!

Nebraska Angie said...

Oh, I've been blogging for a long time. Don't read them, though. They're very depressing.

I can teach you how to make stuff if you want.