Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pet Peeve

I want to be an upstanding citizen. I want to do good works and give unselfishly. And we all know that there are enough charities and non-profits out there in need of help, right? So why have I contacted three different volunteer-dependent organizations in the past few months and gotten no response from any?

I mean, are you fucking kidding me?

When I make donations, my checks get cashed with a supreme display of efficiency. So where is that efficiency when a person wants to donate time instead of cold, hard cash? And you know, if they’re just overflowing with good Samaritans and don’t need any more volunteers, then how about showing a little common courtesy to the rejects by dropping us a quick line to say so? “Thanks, but no thanks.” See, it’s not that hard.

I’ll even volunteer to do THAT.


raining sheep said...

How SOOOO typical. One of my girlfriends just went through the same thing. Finally she just ended up giving money. Hope you are doing well.I am soooo busy with work, traveling like crazy. Finally in July I will start working 4 days a week for a couple of months because I have so many unused holidays - can't wait.

beckie said...

Seriously?? That's incredible. I was thinking of trying to volunteer somewhere around here and I'll probably still look, but that is so discouraging. Could it really be that no one needs ANY actual volunteers?

Krista said...

raina: i know how that feels - living out of a suitcase can make ya crazy! it's good that you have some holiday time in the bank though. you will enjoy it even more after all the hard work!

beckie: i will keep looking and calling too, of course, despite the frustrations :)