Thursday, October 23, 2008


Seriously – I haven’t written anything all week? That’s icky. How time does fly…

Here’s something I did do, though…busted my daily bandwidth allotment at work. Which means I used so much that somebody noticed. I don’t know how, because as you see, I was less active on the net this week than in weeks past. I plead temporary insanity and also, I blame you (not really – that’s just in case the boss reads my blog today).

Other than that, this week has been about reading and daydreaming. I’m still – STILL, I say – trying to finish Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow. I wish I could liquidate it and pour it into my ears and have it all settled into my brain, just like that *snaps fingers*. Super dense stuff. And I’m daydreaming because I found a great, great house for sale in Lincoln, which I’m not in any position to buy. But it's so very, very perfect...

Wouldn't it be wonderful if realtors gave discounts based on how badly you wanted the house? For instance, if you wanted it so badly that you would drink toilet water - 3% off. Willing to lop off a pinky toe? 15% off.

Just a thought.


raining sheep said...

I usually only blog on Saturdays, or at some point in the weekend. I used to write more but, really, I only have time to read people's blogs once a week or so, so I believe that the same goes for others and hence I only write once a week. There are too many other fun things to do and I need to allot time for everything.

beckie said...

As I'm sure you realize I blog quite frequently :) I use it as a way to let my friends know what I'm up to since most of them live far from me and about a year ago I started using it as a springboard for other writing. I'll write a quick blog post and segue into poetry, fiction, etc. and it's been very, VERY good for me.

Also -- only 3% off for drinking toilet water??

Krista said...

i hear what you're saying, raina. i wouldn't normally spend so much time on the computer, either, if wasn't for work.

and i agree, b - it's a great way to ward off 'brain-drain' and exercise your creativity :)

Aw, just one little sip from a freshly scrubbed

Kathleen said...

Were you looking on flickr or something with lots of photos? That is weird especially since you do not know what caused it. Ours is always photos or blogs with photos which are a mb each!

Good luck with the book!

Krista said...

kathleen: i uploaded some photos onto kodak gallery, but i've uploaded waaay more onto flickr in one day...i restarted and haven't had any issues since.

if i ever get around to writing that book, there's a copy headed your way :)